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Original Sin 2001 English 720p BluRay 800MB x264

December 21, 2020 Hollywood Movies

Original sin

Original Sin 2019 English 720p WebRip 800MB x264

IMDB Ratings: 5.7/10

Director: Michael Cristofer

Released Date:  2001 (USA)

Genres: Drama, Romance, Mystery

Languages: English

Film Stars: Angelina Jolie, Thomas Jane, Antonio Banderas

Movie Quality: 720p HDRip

File Size: 800MB

Story: When a man selects a mail order bride, he is surprised to see the beauty who appears before him. She alleges that she sent false photos to him to assure that he would love her for what she is and not for her beauty. However, what she is a con artist, prostitute, and actress, who teams with a fellow actor to steal money from men. What she does not expect is that she falls in love with her new husband and ultimately must decide between him and her sadistic former lover. Contains explicit sex including sadistic acts as Thomas Jane cuts Jolie's back with a knife as part of their lovemaking.

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