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Robot Part 2 (2021) Hindi Ullu Exclusive WEB-HD x264
Genre: Drama, Romance
Languages: Hindi
Stars: Vijay Patkar (Dhurandar Gotephode),Naveen Bawa (B C Chadda),Worship Khanna (Anand Kumar),Rachel Rodrigues (Rosy Robot),Puja Mukherji (Shweta)
Story: Anand finds his lost confidence after the encounter with Rosy and admits his feelings for Shweta. On the other hand, Chadda and Gotefode want control over Rosy to fulfill their desires, but Rosy’s mechanical heart has started beating for Anand, and now she cannot be or see him with anyone else.
Quality: 720p | 480p Webhd
File Size: 458MB | 876MB | 350MB